Saturday, October 08, 2005

Art of Living - Happy people

Yesterday night Saveen, Aditya and myself me at Garuda at 2215 hrs to discuss today's plans...
Over some overpriced parathas, sugarless juices (mine had sugar hehehe...) and a sad excuse for aloo puri we decided to have no plan, but to meet at 1000 the next day at the same place, Saveen buys a camera and then we head to the Ashram. That done we dispersed for the night.

I woke up at 0945 today, so there goes the plan. Anyways plans never work so its fine. We meet up at Garuda, again, at 1100. Saveen has finalized the deal. He has bought a camera a Sony P200. This is a present for his parents. After withdrawing some cash from the ATM and having breakfast at the coffee day. Yes. Coffee Day. No. Don't say anything!

We set out to the Ashram at 1235 from my granny's home, where we had a small Pee-stop. Then onto that sad road. Kanakpura road is sad.

There are two Engineering colleges on the way. Yellamma Dassappa Insititute of Technology and something else. Too many engg colleges in town!

We reach the Ashram at 1335. We got to see Sri Sri Ravishankar. He is one happy man. Smiling all the time. A skeptic would see a PR coup here, but seriously all those people who follow him, vouch for that permanent smile. In fact all the people there are happy. All smiling. Quite something in this cynical world we live in. We Indians are the 4th happiest population in the world. Is it the Sri Sri's handiwork?

We met Saveen's parents. Both smiling. Both happy to see Saveen. We had lunch with them at the community dining hall. Then saw the Vishalakshi mantap. Quite something. We bought a few books on/authored by the Guruji.

And when we go to take our shoes, which we had to remove before entering the Mantap, Saveen realizes that his shoe's been flicked! Great heart burn. "Why me?", said Saveen. Sigh. Life and its sadistic tricks.

We spent some time trying to trace the lost shoes, then gave up.

It was time to head back. The dark ominous clouds were telling us head back fast. After saying good bye to Saveen's parents and Saveen, Aditya and myself headed back to Bangalore and the its gloomy chaos.

Rain it did, and we did get wet. But we had a nice time (till the shoe incident) at the Ashram. Not everything is white or black, there are shades of grey. So, did we go outside Bangalore? In a way yes and many others no.



  1. what the f??? what are these comment bots???
    i guess i'll take the comments section out from the next blogs...

  2. What you need is Word verification, go to the settings section for this
